I am making an effort to shoot my kids more... because for some strange reason they think it is cool to grow up right before my very eyes.
One day Riv is a size 5 in shoes...now he is a 7 and in 3T clothes? What??
Paige is wearing Smalls in the big girls section at Old Navy and Target? What??
Where are my little people at?
Merry Christmas peeps... one more week!
Oh, and good things are coming in January. Soccer for Miss Paige, and (hopefully) Preschool. Me finishing my ACE study (hopefully). Me finishing a half marathon...Jan 30th. Justin finishing his 100 mile race (in Feb.)...please let it be! Potty training for Riv... he is testing out the waters right now with some success...
And hopefully someone will want to come out for a visit sooner than later! Here's to hoping!
3 years ago exactly, this was my reality. I thought it was magical and fun.
Three houses and three moves later.... I can tell you that I fully appreciate my 70 degrees in December, (but I do miss white Christmases when it is 10 degrees out just a little bit)
and perspective is everything.
I am so incredibly grateful for our years in Washington, and they were great years.... tough years, yes cold years, yes
they were years full of togetherness and teamwork and love. And I feel like they strengthened my relationship with Justin as well as the relationship I have with myself in a very unique way.
I am grateful for this Air Force life. I know it is temporary, and I will be a Californian once again. But, Texas is growing on me and I am happy to be here.
We were blessed to come here right behind one of our favorite families from Fairchild and that has helped calm my heart, and kept the kids from totally freaking out. They have their built-in friends, and so do we. And that is amazing. Because for some reason, I don't really feel like making new friends yet. I have incredible friends... and I don't even have enough time to give to them. And I love them. So I am taking a break from making new friends, and I am cherishing the ones I have, and I am thanking my lucky stars one of them is here in San Antonio with me.
I am a lucky duck.
3 years ago, she was all I had to worry about... and now, 3 years later I may have more worry, more stress, more disciplining, more messes to clean, more sleepless nights, more gray hair... BUT I have this blessing.
And I know Paige and Justin would agree that he is worth it.